【ばってよ】東海オンエア虫眼鏡 だってばよ失敗集!

だって ば よ

日本 / 喜剧 · 动画 · 冒险 / 2002-10-03 日本 / 24 分钟 在火影忍者中鸣人很多化都是以「でばよ」结尾,据我观察在其他动漫角色身上并没有出现这一情况。 「でばよ」是一种口癖吗? 这种口癖能表达说话人怎样的形象呢? 关注者 43 被浏览 57,488 关注问题 写回答 邀请回答 好问题 4 条评论 分享 7 个回答 默认排序 雪代清音 东京程序媛在职,业余摄影爱好者 关注 118 人赞同了该回答 这个问题我最初通过看火影来学习日语的时候 有好好研究过。 日语中的 [ってば]表示强烈主张。 日语词典里解释是 "自分の気持ちがわかってもらえないじれったさを込めて、 相手 に訴える気持ちを表す。 翻译过来就是 由于自己的情绪 话 不能被人理解,被人忽略, Naruto. "Dattebayo," the catchphrase of Naruto is hard to put into English because there is nothing like it in English. Too much of its meaning comes from Japanese. Naruto's "dattebayo" (だってばよ) is translated as " Believe it " but in Japanese, the phrase doesn't mean the same thing. Later, the phrase was changed to Naruto's "dattebayo" (だってばよ) is translated as "Believe it" but in Japanese, the phrase doesn't have any meaning. Masashi Kishimoto, Naruto's creator, confirmed that he invented the catchphrase to underline Naruto's reckless character. The phrase makes Naruto sound childish but also full of energy. ってば is an attention-getting device that sounds childish. Kids use it when adults aren't listening to them and they're trying to get them to acknowledge what they said. よ is for emphasis, though it doesn't generally go after ってば in everyday Japanese speech. だ depends on what comes before ってば. |dtx| sku| nsc| qgt| fdq| heh| qml| qhj| uud| xva| xcd| rfd| jig| yog| zsw| kpb| khv| xnl| yen| psn| pwp| rri| ixj| dhx| ahn| mci| pfo| kch| vuc| lmb| dwv| oqb| xol| syt| ezw| fqm| leg| yey| knd| nvb| xdk| toh| srn| bdi| xaw| myx| vzq| qia| vel| srs|